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18 Movements of Tai Chi/Qi Gong Part 1 & 2 at Yoga Loka

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Posted on 7/30/2014


Tai Chi/Qi Gong is one of the most popular styles of qi gong around the world because it is effective and easy to learn. It is derived from thousands of years of Chinese experience in the healing arts and sciences, based on traditional Chinese medicine, yin/yang and meridian theory. It is a powerful way of healing and staying healthy. Some of the benefits of this form include: Increased Qi (life force), improved blood circulation, speedy recovery from illness and surgery, strength- ens tendons, ligaments & joints, strengthens the immune system, improves sleeping functions.

The 18 Movements Tai Chi/Qi Gong Part 1&2 is appropriate for individuals at any level of health. The workshops and series will provide a detailed introduction to the practice. (36 movements total).




2 Hr Workshop on Tai Chi/Qi Gong 18 Movements Part 1

Saturday, September 27th, 1-3pm (Cost $36 for workshop)


6 Week Series Part 1 Tai Chi/Qi Gong 18 Movements Group Class

Fridays, October 3-November 7th, 11 am - noon (Cost $91 for 6 classes)


2 Hr Workshop on Tai Chi/Qi Gong 18 Movements Part 2

Saturday, November 8th, 1-3pm (Cost $36 for workshop)


6 Week Series Part 2 Tai Chi/Qi Gong 18 Movements Group Class

Fridays, November 14-December 19th, 11 am - noon (Cost $91 for 6 classes)


* 18 Movements Part 2 is a intermediate form with more twisting and stepping. It can be practiced by anyone. It would be helpful if you practiced 18 Movements Part 1 first but it is not required.


* If some one would like to sign up for the both 6 week series 18 Movements Part 1 & 2 (12 weeks ) the cost would be $155 



Register online at or send a check to

Yoga Loka at 6135 Lakeside Dr. Suite #121 Reno, NV 89511